As MSP owners we spend our time focusing on new partners and clients as a means for growing and developing our organization. Often times, we look past the importance of one of the most valuable assets available to us; peer-to-peer relationships. Learning and developing as a business owner sees hurdles that only others in your position can truly understand. Therefore, a critical piece to your success is building strong relationships with the people in your space that have walked in your shoes.
These relationships don’t come from simply mingling just for the sake of it, they come from truly getting to know not only your peers, but the failures and successes they’ve had in their business so you can learn from each other.
The reality is there will always be someone out there doing what you’re doing, but better. This is an opportunity to find out what makes them better, learn from them, and move yourself and your business forward by doing so.
To quote John C. Maxwell, the keynote speaker at our upcoming event Build IT, “You never want to be at the head of the class. You always want to be around people bigger than you, better than you, faster than you, smarter than you, more successful than you. Because better people make you better. Bigger people make you bigger. In fact, if you’re at the head of the class, you’re in the wrong class.”
The question is, how do you find these people doing better than you who are willing to share their experiences with you?
To answer this, IT By Design has decided to go out and find subject matter experts on service delivery, sales and marketing, human resources, finance, and leadership development asking them to share the keys to their success with our peers.
We want to support the importance of peer-to-peer networking and collaboration, because it has been the driving force to our success as one of the top 50 MSPs in the country. We feel our peers should share in that success and can by having access to shared knowledge.
Taking the time to collaborate with your peers can lead to lessons learned and insights that have the power to significantly increase revenue growth. The company you keep drives your personal success, so get out there and surround yourself with the best.
Build IT takes place July 14th-16th in Jersey City, NJ.
For more information please feel free to download our brochure or click the link here.